How to Get a Girl to Like You

It doesn’t take much brain power to understand that when you feel someone is higher status than you, that you desire them more. By that same token, it takes even less time to realize that if someone is lower than you, that you could be doing much better.
The Social dynamics of attraction is an interesting game of perception, and a game that is always won by those with strong identities. If you can establish that you’re a male of value by discovering how to impress a girl the right way, then you will be one step closer to finally getting her, and one step further away from those lonely nights watching True Blood on HBO.

There is not a bigger mistake that men make when trying to attract women, than their lack of attention toward creating tension barriers. Attraction cannot thrive without barriers, and far too often do men willfully break down their own walls, and in effect, their own chances by removing the natural tension developed in attraction.
If you want to get a girl to like you, it is absolutely essential that you create barriers that signal to her that it just can’t happen between you. Whether it be because you’re “too much alike” or that you’re “too toxic” for her, whatever the reason may be it’s important to establish the perception of something that can’t be, because she can’t wish something to be if there’s no obstacle to make a wish worth wasting.

In today’s society, even the most beautiful of women that appear to be the best of social butterflies are wrapped in a cocoon of inhibitions. For a woman to really respect you, you have to find ways to make her feel that it’s safe to leave her comfort zone, as long as it’s with you.
When it comes down to it, most women are afraid to take a chance with a man, not so much because they’re afraid of failing, but because they’re afraid of social stigmas. If you can create a reality for her that makes it ok to let go of her problems, her fears about sexuality and her fear of being judged, then it will become almost a necessity that she will like you, or in the very least, she will like being around you.

Humans love to learn; it’s simply a byproduct of our heavily evolved mammalian brains. We love learning so much, in fact, that we often hold great reverence for those that can teach us, and it’s almost necessitated that if someone is teaching us that we treat them as someone with authority.
The ability to teach a woman something interesting is an invaluable trait that will go a long way toward stimulating her mind, but if you can teach her something about herself then you will truly set yourself apart from the crowd and give her an experience that is both ethereal, and romantically real.

After you’ve established higher value, once you’ve freed her of her inhibitions and long after you created barriers to keep her wanting you, then it’s time to let her win you over.
The ultimate key to attraction is to completely flip the dynamic that beautiful women are used to. To be successful with the hottest of hot, you need to make her believe she is slowly winning over you, and not that you are still working to win over her. This is a critical point to remember, however it is easier said than done and requires you to understand how to have a strong Alpha Male identity. There’s no better way to discover how to get a girl to like you than by becoming the kind of man women want to like, so keep learning, keep applying and with a little bit of initiative you’ll become the Alpha-competent man she needs.
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